

We co-organized with our partners varies anti-money laundering courses, Hong Kong Customs assessment test preparation courses, etc., to strengthen the financial industry's knowledge of anti-money laundering compliance.

The Hong Kong Customs and Excise Department (“C&ED”) has started to implement competence assessment for money service operators in 2021

International Financial Crime Prevention Association

Anti-money laundering related courses and programs are now set up to enhance anti-money laundering knowledge in the money service industry.

Assessment Preparation Course

Tailored for senior management of the licence applicant/licensee in the money service industry (money exchange shops) before attending the competence assessment.


Assessment Preparation Course

Start date: Please register and make an appointment with us

Course Objectives: To provide regular updates on anti-money laundering knowledge to those working in the money service industry (money exchange shops).

Lecturer: Johnny Ho [Certified AML], Mr. Ho is the vice president of the International Professional Financial Crime Prevention Association. He has worked in Big Four accounting firms in the past and has many years of compliance and anti-money laundering experiences. At the same time, Mr. Ho also provides compliance consulting services to money service operators.

Course content: Courses are taught in Cantonese and conducted online.

MSO Anti-Money Laundering Specialist Certification

Provides regularly updates on anti-money laundering knowledge.


MSO Anti-Money Laundering Specialist Certification

Start date: Please register and make an appointment with us

Certification Objective:
To enable the money service industry (money exchange shop) to get prepared for the competence assessment.

Certification form:

Only available in Chinese, there are 35 multiple-choice questions, each with only one correct answer. Candidates must complete the test paper within 1 hour and 15 minutes.
To obtain a "Pass" in the competence assessment, Candidates must:
1. Make no more than two mistakes in each module; and
2. Attain a total score of 25 or more for the entire assessment paper.

The Assessment is divided into 7 modules, each with 5 multiple-choice questions. The 7 modules are as follows:
(1) General knowledge on AML/CFT and Counter Proliferation Financing
(2) Parts 1 to 7 of the Anti-Money Laundering Ordinance
(3) Schedule to the Anti-Money Laundering Ordinance
(4) Guidelines promulgated by the C&ED
(5) MSO's systems and controls (i) Institutional governance and strategy
(6) MSO's systems and controls (ii) AML/CFT control areas
(7) MSO's systems and controls (iii) Demonstrating and monitoring compliance.

Fee: Skynet special price HKD $4,000    

Are you looking for MSO assessment related courses?

The MSO Anti-Money Laundering and Certification Course jointly organized by Skynet and IFCPA can help you strengthen your knowledge of combating money laundering and terrorist financing.